Advanced Engineering and Software Solutions
— Providing cutting-edge solutions in inflatable structures, engineering software, and advanced consultancy to tackle complex challenges through innovative approaches.
— Providing cutting-edge solutions in inflatable structures, engineering software, and advanced consultancy to tackle complex challenges through innovative approaches.
With headquarters in Barcelona (Spain), Quantech specializes in the design, implementation and management of new technologies of materials, structures and software for a wide range of applications in engineering and architecture.
Quantech has a permanent cooperation with the International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE, ), a prestigious research organization created in 1987 at the core of UPC.
Engineering design, calculation and prototyping of inflatable structures for many industrial applications
Advanced finite element software for a wide range of applications in structural engineering and industrial forming processes
Advanced consultancy services to tackle complex challenges through innovative approaches
We are here to provide you with more information, answer any questions you may have and create an effective solution for your needs